For those who were anxious or disturbed by this pseudo impending doom; now would be a good time to take a long, hard look at your life and how you live it. Make a change. Purport a deliberate difference. It doesn't have to be some ground-shattering spiritual awakening. Start small. Smile more. Curse less. Be kind. Make a list of endeavors and check it off as you accomplish them. Try a new cuisine. Write a book. Hold a baby. Take a trip. Take a class. Teach a class. Call your Mom. Build something. Whatever it may be- do it with the intentions of bringing yourself closer to what is right for you and your soul. The rest will fall into place because the universe wastes nothing. I try to always prep for rain and wish for sunshine. Well that's my plan, usually. My sky is still blue no matter the talk of obliteration. Recreate the world as you know it. It's a new day so to speak... so why not make it count?